Yesterday was Good Friday
and I did my best to make it a "Good Friday", although I'm not sure that I was too successful. =) J was at work and B and I had the day to ourselves. B let me sleep in til 10:30...still not quite sure what he did in the 3.5hours he was alone. =) After watching him play XBox for a lil while, I talked him into going to Wal-Mart to get a few things for Easter and of course to look for the newest Skylander Ninjini. He agreed, the only catch....he wanted to stay in his pjs. His reasoning, "it's only walmart, plus its still only A.M"...who could argue with those 2 valid points?? I didn't have the heart to tell him it was still just barely A.M. and by the time we got there it would probably be noon and switched to P.M. Not up for a battle, I reluctantly let him wear his pjs, but in turn, I did make him wear his coat. My thinking---"hide" the fact he is wearing his pjs, as though the bright green pants weren't enough to give it away. =)

This was my first time to drive in about 2 months. Before Ava's birth, I was on bedrest for several weeks, and now I'm still recovering from my csection, so I had just gotten the ok to drive. As I'm driving us to Wal-Mart, B asks me "mommy do you even remember how to drive?!?" "Yes, B, mommy remembers how to drive. I know that red light came out of the middle of nowhere and I had to slam on my breaks, but I do still remember how to drive." =)
After I safely got us to Wal-Mart, the first thing we did was go to the Skylander section to look for the newest one, luck. I knew it would be a long shot, but considering it was Good Friday, I thought just maybe it would be our lucky day. Next on our list was to go to the garden section to look for some pink flowers to plant in our front yard. Neither J nor I have a "green thumb", so we were just looking for some simple pink flowers, specifically gerber daisies. Of course, they had no pink gerber daises or anything else pink that I liked, so at this point I'm thinking to myself...can't just 1 thing go right for us on this trip?!?
Side note....Pink gerber daises are now special to us because they remind us of the only hairbow (out of a HUGE collection) that Ava got to wear.
Next on our list was to head to the Easter section to get an egg dye kit and a bag of the mini Cadburry eggs. As we were in the Easter section, I just kept thinking to myself, Ava is supposed to be with us! Ava should be here for Easter! Luckily I had not yet picked out her Easter dress or I know that tomorrow would be even harder on me. I was waiting to see what size she would need and what the weather would be like before I bought her a dress, but I knew whatever I got her, it would be something pink and frilly! I had already picked out a coordinating shirt for B and had envisioned how adorable they would look together. As I held back the tears, my face started to turn a lil red. B is so observant, he immediately noticed and reassured me "it's ok mommy, you can be strong." I did my best to hold it together, we got our items and then headed to the dairy to get some eggs and chocolate chip cookie dough. After that, we headed to the check out, strangely one of the hardest parts of the trip. Right next to our check out lane, was two new moms chit chatting away, and of course I noticed they had the same infant carrier as we had for Ava. Then the emotions started in my head. I thought to myself, Ava never even got to use her car seat and she never got to see the pink padded carseat handle holder I got to girly it up. I turned my head and tried to just focus my attention in a different direction. (Of course, B noticed once again that I was just about to break down in tears at any moment and he told me "it's ok mommy, I'll explain to the lady what just happened to us so you won't have to talk".....have I told you lately, what an UNBELIEVABLE lil boy he is?!?) As I was looking straight ahead, trying to hold it together, a woman with her infant stopped at the end of our check out lane and she had the exact same pink carseat canopy we had for Ava. It took all the strength in me, to not lose it. B told me, "I know you want to cry mommy, if you can just wait until we can get to the car, then you can cry all you want." Those simple lil words, helped me hold in my tears. I didn't want to "lose it" in Wal-Mart for B's sake.
After checking out, it was now "PM" so I asked B if he still wanted the McDonalds I promised him. Of course he did! Knowing that I just needed to get out of WalMart, he asked me if we could just get our McDonalds "to go". As we drove home I held back my tears, well, for the most part. I kept thinking to myself, why is such a simple task like going to Wal-Mart soo difficult and will it ever get easier??
In an effort to still make this a good day, after we ate our lunch, we headed to Kroger to get a pink rose bush to plant in our front yard. I also had a redbox coupon, so I let B rent a game. He has really been into dancing lately, so he wanted the Just Dance 4 game. Kroger was out of it, so we headed to the next nearest Redbox to rent it. Once we got home he started playing the game (the Wii version), and he realized how spoiled he is by the Xbox Kinect. He didn't like having to dance with a remote in his hand. Not even 5 minutes into the game, he decided to put the remote down and "just dance" with the characters. Then 15 minutes later, he decided he would just switch to his Skylanders game...waste of a $1.50 for the rental, but I did get joy out of watching him dance and giggle, those moments are priceless. =)
Overall, considering our circumstances, I think B and I had a "Good Friday", hope you did too!