Saturday, May 4, 2013

Ava's Last Day Part 2

If you have not already read Ava's Last Day Part 1, you can read it here and if you want to read about her birth and first day you can read those here and here.

J ran into his parents in the hospital lounge when he came back from getting ready and taking care of Lilly so he escorted his parents up to our room. Around 11:00 I heard a knock on the hospital door, it was J and his parents. I was so excited to them!  One of the nurses brought Ava back in from the nursery shortly after them.

You could see the joy in their faces when they saw Ava for the first time. =)

For about an hour, we all just hung out in the room.  J's parents took turns holding Ava and taking pictures.  This was a very special moment for them because Ava was their first grandchild to call their own.  They waited so long for this moment.  J knew how special Ava was to his parents. =)

Around noon, just as J and his parents were going down to the cafeteria for a quick lunch, Ava and I had a special visitor.  One of my good friends Brittany came to visit us.  I am so glad she had the opportunity to meet and hold Ava.
Other than family, Brittany was the only other person to have her picture taken with Ava.
 When J and his parents came back, it was more Ava time for them!!!

 We noticed that Ava was starting to scratch one side of her cheek with her lil nails, so we decided to try to put socks on her hands to prevent the scratching.  She did not understand what we were doing to her and what those things on her hands were. =)

Around 3pm, J's parents decided to leave and head back to Bartlesville.  Right before they left, Ava was throwing a fit!  We couldn't figure out why, at first.  J picked Ava up to see if that would help.  No success.  As J's parents were walking out the door, J's mom suggested checking Ava's diaper.  J checked the diaper and BINGO!!! Ava had a surprise waiting for J :)  The interesting thing was as soon as J took Ava's dirty diaper off, she immediately calmed down.  However, while J was cleaning Ava up, our Lil Princess decided to be a Lil Stinker!  In her own little "subtle" way, Ava let J know that she was not done doing her business.  J's parents got quite the chuckle out of it. 

I am so thankful that J's parents decided to make the impromtu visit to see us.  Unfortunately, little did we know, that would be the last time they would ever see Ava alive. 

After they left, J and I spent some time alone with Ava, completely mesmerized by her cuteness.

Then it was about time for J to go back home and let Lilly outside. Although we do live really close to the hosptial, I think next time we will make other arrangments for Lilly so J won't have to leave throughout the day to take care of her. Next time I want him at the hospital 24/7 throughout our stay. =)

Shortly after he left, another good friend, Kristen, came to visit Ava and me. I am so thankful she came, between her and Brittany, they were the only two people other than family, doctors/nurses that were able to see/hold Ava. . .everyone else planned on coming the next day to visit.

After our visit, Ava and I were able to get a lil bit of a nap in before J came back. Once he came back, I felt like trying to walk around a lil bit. I was tired of being cooped up in that hospital bed. So we took Ava in her traveling bassinet and made a couple of slow walks around the labor and delivery floor.

About this time, it was time for the nurses to switch, so our wonderful daytime nurse brought in our new night nurse and introduced her to us.  We visited with her for awhile and then decided it was time to eat before the cafeteria closed. J ordered my food: pepporoni pizza, salad, cheesecake and a sprite.Then he headed to get his dinner. I started eating and then Ava started to get a lil upset so I sat my dinner aside to nurse Ava. Our nurse came in to check on us, since she knew J was gone to get food. I told her we were all good and she said she would check back in on us in awhile. J came back with a burger from Jack in the Box. . . I thought it was a funny choice for dinner since we never eat there. I commented to him that I have actually NEVER had Jack in the Box and he said that he hasn't had it since his military days. =)

After we got done eating, Ava started making a few sweet noises so J immediately went to pick her up and hold her. I teased him that he was already spoiling her rotten by holding her all the time. =) We then picked out her outfit that she would wear the next day and laid it out. Since J would be going back to work the next day, and my mom would be back in town, I had already preplanned doing a lil "photo shoot" with Ava in the morning. Dressing her up in a couple of different outfits/bows and taking pictures. (I SO wish my mom and I would have had that special time with Ava).

About 9:30, J left to go take Lilly out, take a shower and get his over night things. He would be spending the night with me, but going to work the next day.  As he left, he let our nurse know that he was leaving and would be back in a lil while.  Shortly after he left, our sweet nurse came in and visited with me for quite some time. We shared family stories, as she held and rocked Ava. Then she put her in her bassinet, and left us alone so I could try and get a little sleep.

After she left, I called my parents and B back to visit with them. They had been out of town all day and B was anxious to facetime me to see Ava. As we started our facetime conversation, Ava started to get a lil fussy, so I asked B to let me call him back because Ava was hungry.  Once I started nursing Ava, I was able to call them back and visit. B was so excited to hear Ava cooing over the phone. =) They told me all about their trip visiting my grandpa in his nursing home and that they showed him pictures of Ava. By this time, Ava had fallen asleep so I switched positions with her and covered myself up so I could go back to facetiming B.  Him and my mom thought Ava looked so cute sleeping on my chest! My mom said she looked just like J when he is sleeping, so B took a screencap and messaged it to me.  That screen cap, was Ava's last picture taken alive. . .

For now, the rest of the events that happened that night are too traumatic for us to share at this time. =(
Thanks for following along with us,
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1 comment:

  1. My heart is so sad reading this. I have a good idea of what you went through that day and wanted to share the loss of my sweet boy. I found it helpful to connect with others that had similar experiences so I wanted to reach out to you. No worries if you aren't ready to read it. We all grieve differently. Just wanted you to know that you aren't alone. YOu can read about it here if you want...



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