When we first found out we were having a girl, I suggested to J we name her Ava. Ava was my grandma's name (my dad's mom), her full name was Ava Lee King, but she actually always went by her middle name, Lee instead of Ava. She was a first grade school teacher for 30+ years and passed away from breast cancer when I was in third grade. Even though I didn't get to spend nearly enough time with her, she has always had a special place in my heart. I've always loved her name Ava, in fact, if B would have been a girl, his name would have been Ava. J originally thought Ava was a "diva" name when I suggested it and he didn't like it. I didn't pursue it, instead I scoured through baby name websites trying to come up with other ideas.
One day, I was on Pinterest and came across a cute pin of a gorgeous pregnant woman. It intrigued me, so I clicked on the pin and it took me to her blog. The particular post that was pinned was on her daughter, Laikynn's birth story. When I originally read her daughter's name, I read it as Laiklynn, not Laikynn. As I said it aloud to myself, I thought it was PERFECT for us! "Laik" because we got married at the lake and "lynn" because my middle name was Lynn. I know, it's kind of cheezy, but I thought it was perfect! I mentioned it to the boys and surprisingly they both LOVED it! J asked me how we would want to spell it, Laiklynn or Lakelynn?? I told him I would go back to the blog and see how they spelled it and thats when I recognized my mistake. Her daughter's name was NOT Laiklynn, it was Laikynn. Oops! At that point we were already set on the name Lakelynn, so we decided since we were "creating a new name", we might as well create our own spelling for it too. Our baby girl was going to be named Lakelynn Abraham.
Lake= because we got married at the lake
lynn= after my middle name
At the time, we were still looking for a middle name for Lakelynn. In a storage tub of old pregnancy clothes (that J was putting back up in the attic), he found a Baby Name book that my oldest sister had passed down to me. They had used it with my nineteen year old nephew, so it was almost 20 years old! J started looking through the A names and once he came across "Ava", he said it aloud, and then said "what do you think about Ava?" I said "are you serious?!?" he said "yeah, why??" Then I refreshed his memory that I had already suggested that and he thought it sounded too "divaish". Thankfully, his mind changed and now he loved the name Ava. . .so we came up with Lakelynn Ava Abraham. . .still secretly wanting her first name to be Ava, I switched it around and said it aloud, "how about Ava Lakelynn Abraham?" It had such a cute ring to it, J LOVED it! We shared it with B and originally he was disappointed because he liked the name Lakelynn so much, he wanted that to be her first name, luckily he soon got over it. =)
So there you have it, how our lil girl got her name Ava Lakelynn. Ava after my grandma and Lakelynn a name I accidently created. =)
Thanks for following along with us,
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