Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Mighty Sunflowers

Last week, when J and I were on our way to visit Ava we noticed something we had never seen before...

fields and fields of big, HUGE sunflowers!
We had never seen anything like it before. Several cars were pulled over on the side of the highway taking pictures. We also noticed a news crew was there doing a segment as well. I couldn't wait for B to get back into town so I could take him and get his picture in the sunflowers.
I knew we had to go quickly because I had read that sunflowers usually only stay in bloom like that for a couple of weeks and we had already noticed some of them had started to wilt away.  So today was the day. =)
I already had our location picked out ahead of time, we were going to use a back road by the funeral home/cemetary as opposed to pulling off the side of the highway like everyone else. As soon I parked the car, B saw this. . .
He panicked!! "Mommy, we're not allowed to go in there, we could get in trouble!" I tried to tell him that I think it's ok because other people had done it, and I just wanted a few quick pictures. He didn't like my response....he was petrified that the police were going to come, we were going to get caught, they would arrest us and take us to jail, all for being in a sunflower field. It literally took me a few minutes to convince him its ok and we would be quick.  Finally, he got out of the car and told me "if the police catch us, I'm telling them it's all your fault, that I didn't want to do this and you MADE me do it." As you can see I have a lil bit of a drama king on my hands. =)
As he got out, he realized it was kind of like a maze and had fun skipping through the dirt path in between the sunflowers.

It's not exactly our best photo shoot, to be quite honest, B had me a lil nervous that we WERE going to get caught...something I hadn't even thought about until he was so worried! This photo shoot lasted maybe 5 minutes and then I saw....A POLICE SUV!
Thinking of everything B had said earlier, I was quickly trying to come up with a story in my head that we could tell the police officer, why I, as the adult, completely ignored the caution tape AND ignored the "NO trespassing signs" that were off to the sides.
B was so wrapped up in the sunflowers that he didn't even notice until I told him. He quickly ran to me, scared to death. As he hid behind me, we kind of froze for a minute, not knowing if we should try and hide or just go to the car...maybe they wouldn't see us?? I decided we should just get out of there and if they said anything to us, I would just have to own up to it. B clenched on to my arm as we made the walk of shame back to our car. Lucky for us, the police SUV did NOT stop and continued going down the gravel road to nowhere. We went on to see Ava and I expressed my disappointment to B that I wasn't done taking pictures, there was still one more I wanted to take.
He decided to get brave and said it's ok, if we go back and take one more picture. Even though he "has never been so scared in his whole life", he said if the police come back, we can just explain to them that we have a special police officer friend and maybe they won't arrest us. =) So we made the short drive back to the sunflowers, so I could get my one more picture. . .
  Our visit to Ava last week is what introduced us to these fields of beauty.  She deserved to have her picture taken in them as well. =)

Thanks for following along with us,
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1 comment:

  1. So beautiful! I'm happy you went back to get that special photo.


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